The British Academy launches Brooklyn Preschool

It is with great pleasure that The British Academy announce the acquisition of one of the oldest and most established Preschools in Brooklyn, Pretoria.

“It was a no brainer for us” says Niel Bester, CEO of TBA, “because of a number of key factors.  Firstly, Busy Bees has a 33 year unrivaled track record in Brooklyn as a quality preschool.  Mary-anne Jacobs, the founder of Busy Bees, is practically a legend in the area and we are happy to have her on board going forward as a partner.  Secondly, it is situated practically next door to our Flagship campus and, thirdly, we have the same international and diplomatic clientele.”


Bester goes on to explain that TBA is all about offering a boutique educational experience.  As a leading provider of Cambridge education in South Africa The British Academy Preschool will be the gateway to quality international education from preschool to pre-university education.  “The line-up at our Brooklyn campus is fantastic” says Bester “now that by Jan 2017 we will have introduced both Pre and Preparatory Schools.  Parents don’t have to look any further for top quality in a small, friendly and focused academic environment.”


The Preschool will cater for 6 months to 5 years of age and with the waiting list growing interested parents need to call Mandie on 012 940 5343 for an application pack and more information.